Mar 29, 2021
Busy? Distracted? Not feeling like Easter is a only a few days away? Take just 5-to-6 minutes now to get ideas for a "DIY Holy Week Retreat" by listening to Fr. Chuck's homily for Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion.
March 28, 2021; Fr. Charles "Chuck" Wood; readings: Is 50: 4-7; Ps 22: 8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24; Phil 2: 6-11; Mk...
Mar 23, 2021
What do a teenager in the late 1970s and a widower now in his "golden years" have in common? Listen and learn about their mind-blowing, heart-renewing encounters. And hear how to pray that you, too, might wake up to God's joy and purpose in your life.
5th Sunday of Lent—March 21, 2021; Fr. Charles "Chuck" Wood; readings:...
Mar 16, 2021
Hear why instead of saying, "Jesus saves," we could say, "Jesus—God's GPS—turns around." And get a laugh out of a prom-night disaster story illustrating Fr. Chuck's focus on the Second Reading from Ephesians, chapter 2.
4th Sunday of Lent—March 14, 2021; Fr. Charles "Chuck" Wood; readings: 2 Chron 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps...
Mar 9, 2021
A billfold once was lost but then was found: How the spiritual and the practical are not either/or. Hear how this true story connects with how God is at work through Catholics in western Oregon. Then watch an inspiring video at
3rd Sunday of Lent and Archbishop's Catholic Appeal...
Mar 1, 2021
How is Jesus revealing his glory—and fulfilling his mission—through individuals, parishes, and the whole Catholic Church in western Oregon? After hearing the homily, learn more: Click HERE.
2nd Sunday of Lent—Feb. 28, 2021; Fr. Charles "Chuck" Wood; readings: Gen 22:1-2, 9A, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19; Rom...